"Modélisation numérique et analyse stochastique des barrières de transport dans les plasmas de fusion" (thèse 2012 - 2015)
plasmas de tokamak, plasma de bord
transport et turbulence
modélisation, simulation numérique
vitesses de dérive
diagnostic synthétique
Publications scientifiques au M2P2
G. Ciraolo, H. Bufferand, J. Bucalossi, Ph. Ghendrih, P. Tamain, et al.. H-mode WEST tungsten divertor operation: deuterium and nitrogen seeded simulations with SOLEDGE2D-EIRENE. Nuclear Materials and Energy, 2017, 12, pp.187 - 192. ⟨10.1016/j.nme.2016.12.025⟩. ⟨hal-01702237⟩ Plus de détails...
Simulations of WEST H-mode divertor scenarios have been performed with SOLEDGE2D-EIRENE edge plasma transport code, both for pure deuterium and nitrogen seeded discharge. In the pure deuterium case, a target heat flux of 8 MW/m2 is reached, but misalignment between heat and the particle outflux yields 50 eV plasma temperature at the target plates. With nitrogen seeding, the heat and particle outflux are observed to be aligned so that lower plasma temperatures at the target plates are achieved together with the required high heat fluxes. This change in heat and particle outflux alignment is analysed with respect to the role of divertor geometry and the impact of vertical vs horizontal target plates on neutrals spreading.
G. Ciraolo, H. Bufferand, J. Bucalossi, Ph. Ghendrih, P. Tamain, et al.. H-mode WEST tungsten divertor operation: deuterium and nitrogen seeded simulations with SOLEDGE2D-EIRENE. Nuclear Materials and Energy, 2017, 12, pp.187 - 192. ⟨10.1016/j.nme.2016.12.025⟩. ⟨hal-01702237⟩
Hugo Bufferand, C Baudoin, J Bucalossi, G Ciraolo, Julien Denis, et al.. Implementation of drift velocities and currents in SOLEDGE2D-EIRENE. Nuclear Materials and Energy, 2017, 12, pp.852-857. ⟨hal-01372986⟩ Plus de détails...
In order to improve cross-field transport description, drifts and currents have been implemented in SOLEDGE2D-EIRENE. The derivation of an equation for the electric potential is recalled. The resolution of current equation is tested in a simple slab case. WEST divertor simulations in forward-B and reverse-B fields are also discussed. A significant increase of ExB shear is observed in the forward-B configuration that could explain a favorable L-H transition in this case.
Hugo Bufferand, C Baudoin, J Bucalossi, G Ciraolo, Julien Denis, et al.. Implementation of drift velocities and currents in SOLEDGE2D-EIRENE. Nuclear Materials and Energy, 2017, 12, pp.852-857. ⟨hal-01372986⟩
Hugo Bufferand, Guido Ciraolo, Philippe Ghendrih, Yannick Marandet, J. Bucalossi, et al.. Interchange Turbulence Model for the Edge Plasma in SOLEDGE2D-EIRENE. Contributions to Plasma Physics, 2016, 56 (6-8), pp.555-562. ⟨10.1002/ctpp.201610033⟩. ⟨hal-01455239⟩ Plus de détails...
Cross-field transport in edge tokamak plasmas is known to be dominated by turbulent transport. A dedicated effort has been made to simulate this turbulent transport from first principle models but the numerical cost to run these simulations on the ITER scale remains prohibitive. Edge plasma transport study relies mostly nowadays on so-called transport codes where the turbulent transport is taken into account using effective ad-hoc diffusion coeffecients. In this contribution, we propose to introduce a transport equation for the turbulence intensity in SOLEDGE2D-EIRENE to describe the interchange turbulence properties. Going beyond the empirical diffusive model, this system automatically generates profiles for the turbulent transport and hence reduces the number of degrees of freedom for edge plasma transport codes. We draw inspiration from the k-epsilon model widely used in the neutral fluid community. ((c) 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)
Hugo Bufferand, Guido Ciraolo, Philippe Ghendrih, Yannick Marandet, J. Bucalossi, et al.. Interchange Turbulence Model for the Edge Plasma in SOLEDGE2D-EIRENE. Contributions to Plasma Physics, 2016, 56 (6-8), pp.555-562. ⟨10.1002/ctpp.201610033⟩. ⟨hal-01455239⟩
Hugo Bufferand, Guido Ciraolo, Yannick Marandet, Jérome Bucalossi, Philippe Ghendrih, et al.. Numerical modelling for divertor design of the WEST device with a focus on plasma–wall interactions. Nuclear Fusion, 2015, 55 (5), pp.053025. ⟨hal-01225195⟩ Plus de détails...
In the perspective of operating tungsten monoblocks in WEST, the ongoing major upgrade of the Tore Supra tokamak, a dedicated modelling effort has been carried out to simulate the interaction between the edge plasma and the tungsten wall. A new transport code, SolEdge2D–EIRENE, has been developed with the ability to simulate the plasma up to the first wall. This is especially important for steady state operation, where thermal loads on all the plasma facing components, even remote from the plasma, are of interest. Moreover, main chamber tungsten sources are thought to dominate the contamination of the plasma core. We present here in particular new developments aimed at improving the description of the interface between the plasma and the wall, namely a way to treat sheath physics in a more faithful way using the output of 1D particle in cell simulations. Moreover, different models for prompt redeposition have been implemented and are compared. The latter is shown to play an important role in the balance between divertor and main chamber sources.
Hugo Bufferand, Guido Ciraolo, Yannick Marandet, Jérome Bucalossi, Philippe Ghendrih, et al.. Numerical modelling for divertor design of the WEST device with a focus on plasma–wall interactions. Nuclear Fusion, 2015, 55 (5), pp.053025. ⟨hal-01225195⟩
R. Leybros, Hugo Bufferand, Guido Ciraolo, Nicolas Fedorczak, Philippe Ghendrih, et al.. Investigation of drift velocity effects on the EDGE and SOL transport. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2015, 463, pp.489-492. ⟨10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.10.079⟩. ⟨hal-01225211⟩ Plus de détails...
To understand the mechanisms behind poloidal asymmetries of the transport in the edge and SOL plasma, it is important to take into account drift velocity in the transport model. We investigate the effects of an imposed radial electric field on the plasma equilibrium in the transport code SOLEDGE2D. In the edge, we show an important modification of the flow pattern due to poloidal E × B drift velocity. The drift velocity generates asymmetry of the density through the Pfirsch–Schluter flows which creates an important parallel rotation through the viscous balance. In comparison to heat load imbalance studies in the SOL of divertor tokamak, a strong link between the amplitude of the radial electric field and the heat load imbalance in the SOL of limiter tokamak has been highlighted using different amplitude of the imposed radial electric field.
R. Leybros, Hugo Bufferand, Guido Ciraolo, Nicolas Fedorczak, Philippe Ghendrih, et al.. Investigation of drift velocity effects on the EDGE and SOL transport. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2015, 463, pp.489-492. ⟨10.1016/j.jnucmat.2014.10.079⟩. ⟨hal-01225211⟩
Hugo Bufferand, Jérome Bucalossi, Guido Ciraolo, Nicolas Fedorczak, Philippe Ghendrih, et al.. Density regimes and heat flux deposition in the WEST shallow divertor configuration. Contributions to Plasma Physics, 2014, 54 (4-6), pp.378-382. ⟨10.1002/ctpp.201410026⟩. ⟨hal-01053281⟩ Plus de détails...
To support ITER divertor design, the WEST project on Tore Supra aims at studying high heat fluxes on tungsten monoblock during long pulses. In that persective, a particular attention is paid to simulate the edge plasma interaction with complex PFCs using the transport code SOLEDGE2D-EIRENE. The plasma response to a heating and puffing scenario is described as well as the so-called divertor density regimes, characterizing the operational domain of the WEST divertor. These results are compared for two different magnetic configurations: a semi-open double null divertor with the X-point away from the target plates and a shallow divertor configuration with the X-point close to the targets.
Hugo Bufferand, Jérome Bucalossi, Guido Ciraolo, Nicolas Fedorczak, Philippe Ghendrih, et al.. Density regimes and heat flux deposition in the WEST shallow divertor configuration. Contributions to Plasma Physics, 2014, 54 (4-6), pp.378-382. ⟨10.1002/ctpp.201410026⟩. ⟨hal-01053281⟩