Fire propagation modeling in the Lattice Boltzmann framework

Scientific field : Mechanical Engineering, Computational Fluid Dynamics
Key words : CFD, Lattice Boltzmann, Combustion, Fire

Supervisor: Aymeric Lamorlette


Details for the subject: 
Background, Context:

Fire safety studies rely increasingly on numerical simulation. Today, numerical combustion modelling relies almost exclusively on numerical codes solving the Navier-Stokes equations (e.g. FireFoam, FDS,…).
The Lattice Boltzmann solvers are very different from these codes, intending to solve a discrete variant of the Boltzmann equation. This type of flow solver is progressing rapidly, however, in low-Mach turbulent flows configurations. The results obtained with Lattice Boltzmann methods (LBM) have proved very good for aerodynamic applications [1], motivating intensive development of new methods.
Lattice Boltzmann methods applied to Multiscale problems are recent, however, so few models are able to deal with reacting flows in the low Mach regime.

The development of fire propagation modelling within the LBM framework is the topic of this thesis.

Research subject, work plan:

Extending the LBM capabilities to fire propagation requires a profound rethinking of existing methods developed within the Navier-Stokes framework. 
- The first objective will be to assess the capability of the code (ProLB, developed at M2P2 as part of a larger consortium), and the associated low-Mach reactive model [2] to predict plume and smoke motions within urban environment. For this, the model recently proposed by Feng et al (2018) will be extended. 
- As a second objective, radiation evaluation on targets will be considered. To do this, a radiation model, e.g. [3], will be integrated in the approach. Lastly, ad-hoc ignition models [4] will be integrated as to simulate fire propagation

The student will be part of one of the leading research groups on LBM in France. 

The thesis will be co-supervised by A. Lamorlette, ignition and fire specialist, P. Boivin, combustion specialist, and P. Sagaut, a world-renowned scientist on turbulence modelling and LBM.

References on this topic:
[1] S. Marié, D. Ricot, P. Sagaut, Comparison between lattice Boltzmann method and Navier–Stokes high order schemes for computational aeroacoustics (2009)
[2] Y. Feng, M. Tayyab, and P. Boivin. A lattice-boltzmann model for low-mach reactive flows. Combustion and Flame, 196:249 – 254, 2018.
[3] M. El Houssami, J. Thomas, A. Lamorlette, D. Morvan, M. Chaos, R. Hadden, and A. Simeoni. Experimental and numerical studies characterizing the burning dynamics of wildland fuels. Combustion and Flame, 168:113–126, 2016.
[4] A. Lamorlette and F. Candelier. Thermal behavior of solid particles at ignition: theoretical limit between thermally thick and thin solids. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 82:117–122, 2015.