Implementation of a non-axisymmetric magnetic configuration in SOLEDGE3X to simulate 3D toroidal magnetic ripple effects: Application to WEST

The fluid-drift code SOLEDGE3X, developed by CEA/IRFM in collaboration with Aix-Marseille University, is a powerful tool for simulating transport and turbulence in tokamak edge plasmas with axisymmetric magnetic configurations. In tokamaks such as WEST, the pronounced toroidal magnetic ripple significantly affects plasma confinement and power exhaust, modulating both the poloidal and toroidal components of the equilibrium field. Using a discrete Biot-Savart law, the ripple field is calculated as a magnetic perturbation on the SOLEDGE3X mesh. The transport model and parallel gradient solvers have been enhanced to incorporate the new radial magnetic field component. Preliminary simulations of a WEST scenario reveal a heat deposition pattern in the divertor region consistent with observations from infrared camera experiments.

Raffael Düll, Guido Ciraolo, Hugo Bufferand, Eric Serre, Virginia Quadri, et al.. Implementation of a non-axisymmetric magnetic configuration in SOLEDGE3X to simulate 3D toroidal magnetic ripple effects: Application to WEST. Nuclear Materials and Energy, 2024, 41, pp.101807. ⟨10.1016/j.nme.2024.101807⟩. ⟨hal-04948108⟩

Journal: Nuclear Materials and Energy

Date de publication: 01-12-2024

  • Raffael Düll
  • Guido Ciraolo
  • Hugo Bufferand
  • Eric Serre
  • Virginia Quadri
  • Nicolas Rivals
  • Patrick Tamain
  • Srikanth Sureshkumar
  • Naren Varadarajan

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