Etude d’une colonne à bulles pour le traitement d’effluents par oxydation en voie humide (thèse: 2012 - 2015)
Colonne à bulles
Oxydation en Voie Humide (OVH)
Haute pression
Haute température
Transfert de matière
Publications scientifiques au M2P2
Clément Leonard, Jean-Henry Ferrasse, Sébastien Lefevre, Alain Viand, Olivier Boutin. Bubble rising velocity and bubble size distribution in columns at high pressure and temperature: From lab scale experiments to design parameters. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2021, 173, pp.108-118. ⟨10.1016/j.cherd.2021.07.003⟩. ⟨hal-03515133⟩ Plus de détails...
The design of bubble column for industrial applications is well known under near ambient pressure and temperature conditions, contrary to high pressure and temperature conditions. Accurate data on the evolution and behaviour of the bubbles is proposed as a basis for the evaluation of the surface area developed in the column and further design of such reactor. Two columns are used for the experiments: a small column (8 mL) with a total visualisation of the flow, and a bigger one (1 L), necessary for the scale up. Main results show that the influence of pressure and temperature are significant on the behaviour of bubbles and bubble size distribution and must be characterized and considered for the design of the columns in such conditions. The results allow the determination of two correlations: one for the bubble diameter and the other one for the bubble rise velocity, considering different parameters, and especially the superficial gas velocity in saturated conditions. These correlations are a basis to determine mass transfer correlations for the design of bubble column at high pressure and temperature conditions. (c) 2021 Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Clément Leonard, Jean-Henry Ferrasse, Sébastien Lefevre, Alain Viand, Olivier Boutin. Bubble rising velocity and bubble size distribution in columns at high pressure and temperature: From lab scale experiments to design parameters. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2021, 173, pp.108-118. ⟨10.1016/j.cherd.2021.07.003⟩. ⟨hal-03515133⟩
Clément Leonard, Jean-Henry Ferrasse, Sébastien Lefevre, Alain Viand, Olivier Boutin. Bubble rising velocity and bubble size distribution in columns at high pressure and temperature: From lab scale experiments to design parameters. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2021, 173, pp.108-118. ⟨10.1016/j.cherd.2021.07.003⟩. ⟨hal-03597596⟩ Plus de détails...
The design of bubble column for industrial applications is well known under near ambient pressure and temperature conditions, contrary to high pressure and temperature conditions. Accurate data on the evolution and behaviour of the bubbles is proposed as a basis for the evaluation of the surface area developed in the column and further design of such reactor. Two columns are used for the experiments: a small column (8 mL) with a total visualisation of the flow, and a bigger one (1 L), necessary for the scale up. Main results show that the influence of pressure and temperature are significant on the behaviour of bubbles and bubble size distribution and must be characterized and considered for the design of the columns in such conditions. The results allow the determination of two correlations: one for the bubble diameter and the other one for the bubble rise velocity, considering different parameters, and especially the superficial gas velocity in saturated conditions. These correlations are a basis to determine mass transfer correlations for the design of bubble column at high pressure and temperature conditions. (c) 2021 Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Clément Leonard, Jean-Henry Ferrasse, Sébastien Lefevre, Alain Viand, Olivier Boutin. Bubble rising velocity and bubble size distribution in columns at high pressure and temperature: From lab scale experiments to design parameters. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2021, 173, pp.108-118. ⟨10.1016/j.cherd.2021.07.003⟩. ⟨hal-03597596⟩
Clément Leonard, Jean-Henry Ferrasse, Sébastien Lefevre, Alain Viand, Olivier Boutin. Gas hold up in bubble column at high pressure and high temperature. Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 200, pp.186-202. ⟨10.1016/j.ces.2019.01.055⟩. ⟨hal-02177058⟩ Plus de détails...
Gas holdup of water/nitrogen, water-phenol/nitrogen and water-phenol/air systems was successfully measured by a method based on the use of a differential pressure sensor installed on a bubble column reactor, in a wide domain of temperature (from 100 to 300 degrees C) and pressure (from 10 to 30 MPa). These experimental conditions are little or no explored in literature. Results show a predominant influence of the superficial gas velocity, the evaporation of the liquid phase, the ratio of the gas volume flowrate on the liquid volume flowrate and the phenol concentration. Pressure and chemical reaction have little effect on gas holdup. The temperature has an effect in the case of phenol solutions. The different correlations and parameters influence determined in this work are very helpful for the design of gas liquid contactors (for instance bubble column) at high pressure and high temperature.
Clément Leonard, Jean-Henry Ferrasse, Sébastien Lefevre, Alain Viand, Olivier Boutin. Gas hold up in bubble column at high pressure and high temperature. Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 200, pp.186-202. ⟨10.1016/j.ces.2019.01.055⟩. ⟨hal-02177058⟩
Clément Leonard, Jean-Henry Ferrasse, Olivier Boutin, Sébastien Lefevre, Alain Viand. Measurements and correlations for gas liquid surface tension at high pressure and high temperature. AIChE Journal, 2018, 64 (11), pp.4110-4117. ⟨10.1002/aic.16216⟩. ⟨hal-02114480⟩ Plus de détails...
Surface tension of water/nitrogen and water-phenol/nitrogen systems was successfully measured by the hanging drop method in a wide domain of temperature (from 100 to 300°C) and pressure (from 4 to 30MPa), conditions little explored literature. Results show that surface tension of water-phenol mixtures decreases as phenol mass fraction increases. This decrease is observed under saturated and unsaturated conditions and is more pronounced at low temperatures and does not seem to depend on pressure. The effect of saturation on surface tension in the water/nitrogen system has been correlated with water vapor pressure by using experimental points with a great accuracy. For the water-phenol/nitrogen system, experimental data obtained with different mass fraction of phenol were correlated using Macleod-Sugden equation for mixtures. Topical heading Reaction Engineering, Kinetics and Catalysis Transport Phenomena and Fluid Mechanics
Clément Leonard, Jean-Henry Ferrasse, Olivier Boutin, Sébastien Lefevre, Alain Viand. Measurements and correlations for gas liquid surface tension at high pressure and high temperature. AIChE Journal, 2018, 64 (11), pp.4110-4117. ⟨10.1002/aic.16216⟩. ⟨hal-02114480⟩
C. Leonard, J.-H. Ferrasse, Olivier Boutin, S. Lefevre, A. Viand. Bubble column reactors for high pressures and high temperatures operation. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2015, 100, pp.391-421. ⟨10.1016/j.cherd.2015.05.013⟩. ⟨hal-01292678⟩ Plus de détails...
Bubble column reactors are multiphase contactors based on the dispersion of a gas phase in the form of bubbles inside a cylindrical vessel where a liquid or a suspension circulates. Those reactors present many advantages such as good heat and mass transfer rates, no moving parts, compactness, easy operating and low maintenance and operating costs. Their main drawback is the significant backmixing which can affect selectivity and conversion of reaction products. They have gained particular attention in the field of wastewater treatment for Wet Air Oxidation (WAO) processes application. Those processes are operated at high pressures (up to 30 MPa) and temperatures (up to 573 K). In order to efficiently operate those processes, conversion, heat and mass transfer must be optimised. Those parameters depend themselves on operating conditions such as pressure, temperature, superficial gas and liquid velocities and on design parameters such as sparger and column design. This review is aimed to find the relevant parameters for operating bubble column at high pressures and temperatures in continuous mode. The main mechanisms governing the bubble column will be described. The influence of the different parameters on gas holdup, mass transfer properties and on liquid axial dispersion coefficient will be extensively studied.
C. Leonard, J.-H. Ferrasse, Olivier Boutin, S. Lefevre, A. Viand. Bubble column reactors for high pressures and high temperatures operation. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2015, 100, pp.391-421. ⟨10.1016/j.cherd.2015.05.013⟩. ⟨hal-01292678⟩
Clément Leonard, Jean-Henry Ferrasse, Olivier Boutin, Sébastien Lefevre, Alain Viand. Bubble column reactors for high pressures and high temperatures operation. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2015, 100, pp.391-421. ⟨10.1016/j.cherd.2015.05.013⟩. ⟨hal-04348574⟩ Plus de détails...
Bubble column reactors are multiphase contactors based on the dispersion of a gas phase in the form of bubbles inside a cylindrical vessel where a liquid or a suspension circulates. Those reactors present many advantages such as good heat and mass transfer rates, no moving parts, compactness, easy operating and low maintenance and operating costs. Their main drawback is the significant backmixing which can affect selectivity and conversion of reaction products. They have gained particular attention in the field of wastewater treatment for Wet Air Oxidation (WAO) processes application. Those processes are operated at high pressures (up to 30 MPa) and temperatures (up to 573 K). In order to efficiently operate those processes, conversion, heat and mass transfer must be optimised. Those parameters depend themselves on operating conditions such as pressure, temperature, superficial gas and liquid velocities and on design parameters such as sparger and column design. This review is aimed to find the relevant parameters for operating bubble column at high pressures and temperatures in continuous mode. The main mechanisms governing the bubble column will be described. The influence of the different parameters on gas holdup, mass transfer properties and on liquid axial dispersion coefficient will be extensively studied.
Clément Leonard, Jean-Henry Ferrasse, Olivier Boutin, Sébastien Lefevre, Alain Viand. Bubble column reactors for high pressures and high temperatures operation. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2015, 100, pp.391-421. ⟨10.1016/j.cherd.2015.05.013⟩. ⟨hal-04348574⟩