Parallelization properties of direct and iterative solvers for fluid dynamics

Jeudi 22 juin 2017 à 14h00, salle de séminaire M2P2 (Château Gombert)

Oleg Bessonov

Abstract : Several direct and iterative methods for solving ill-conditioned systems of linear equations are considered from the point of view of their performance and parallelization potential. Parallelization of the solution of Navier-Stokes equation is illustrated by the example of the simulation of flows for crystal growth applications. Iterative methods are presented for several sorts of parallelism. Finally, the Algebraic multigrid method is considered and compared with other iterative methods.

Oleg Bessonov, après douze ans de carrière à l’"Institute for high energy physics", a rejoint l’"Institute for problems in mechanics of the Russian academy of sciences". Il a reçu en 2006 la "Medal of the Russian national committee on theoretical and applied mechanics of the Russian academy of sciences". Son travaille porte principalement sur les méthodes de parallélisation pour les applications CFD, l’analyse numérique (méthodes numériques pour les écoulements visqueux incompressibles) et également le calcul CFD pour la croissance cristalline.