Agglomeration of gibbsite Al(OH)3 crystals in Bayer liquors. Influence of the process parameters

I. Seyssiecq, S. Veesler, R. Boistelle, J.M. Lamérant. Agglomeration of gibbsite Al(OH)3 crystals in Bayer liquors. Influence of the process parameters. Chemical Engineering Science, 1998, 53 (12), pp.2177 - 2185. ⟨10.1016/S0009-2509(98)00032-3⟩. ⟨hal-01745517⟩

Journal: Chemical Engineering Science

Date de publication: 01-06-1998

  • I. Seyssiecq
  • S. Veesler
  • R. Boistelle
  • J.M. Lamérant

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