3D global optimal forcing and response of the supersonic boundary layer

3D optimal forcing and response of a 2D supersonic boundary layer are obtained by computing the largest singular value and the associated singular vectors of the global resolvent matrix. This approach allows to take into account both convective-type and component-type non-normalities responsible for the non-modal growth of perturbations in noise selective amplifier flows. It is moreover a fully non-parallel approach that does not require any particular assumptions on the baseflow. The numerical method is based on the explicit calculation of the Jacobian matrix proposed by Mettot et al. [1] for 2D perturbations. This strategy uses the numerical residual of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations imported from a finite-volume solver that is then linearised employing a finite difference method. Extension to 3D perturbations, which are expanded into modes of wave number, is here proposed by decomposing the Jacobian matrix according to the direction of the derivatives contained in its coefficients. Validation is performed on a Blasius boundary layer and a supersonic boundary layer, in comparison respectively to global and local results. Application of the method to a boundary layer at M = 4.5 recovers three regions of receptivity in the frequency-transverse wave number space. Finally, the energy growth of each optimal response is studied and discussed.

Benjamin Bugeat, Jean-Camille Chassaing, Jean-Christophe Robinet, Pierre Sagaut. 3D global optimal forcing and response of the supersonic boundary layer. Journal of Computational Physics, 2019, 398, pp.108888. ⟨10.1016/j.jcp.2019.108888⟩. ⟨hal-02462825⟩

Journal: Journal of Computational Physics

Date de publication: 01-01-2019

  • Benjamin Bugeat
  • Jean-Camille Chassaing
  • Jean-Christophe Robinet
  • Pierre Sagaut

Digital object identifier (doi): http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2019.108888

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