Clémence CORDIER
Maître de Conférences AMU
équipe Procédés Membranaires
Thèse soutenue au M2P2 dans l'équipe Procédés Membranaires "Purification de l’eau de mer par membranes pour la protection du milieu marin et des éco systèmes vivants"


  • Ultrafiltration
  • Membrane Separation
  • Water Treatment
  • Environment
  • Aquaculture

Publications scientifiques au M2P2

  • J. Yang, A. Mouilleron, M. Monnot, C. Cordier, P. Moulin. Ultrafiltration for the biosecurity of fish production: The case of a sturgeon nursery. Aquacultural Engineering, 2023, 103, pp.102366. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaeng.2023.102366⟩. ⟨hal-04202096⟩ Plus de détails...
  • J. Yang, A. Mouilleron, M. Monnot, C. Cordier, P. Moulin. Ultrafiltration for the biosecurity of fish production: The case of a sturgeon nursery. Aquacultural Engineering, 2023, 103, pp.102366. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaeng.2023.102366⟩. ⟨hal-04202096⟩ Plus de détails...
  • J. Yang, A. Mouilleron, Mathias Monnot, Cordier Clémence, Philippe Moulin. Ultrafiltration for the biosecurity of fish production: The case of a sturgeon nursery. Aquacultural Engineering, 2023, 103, pp.102366. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaeng.2023.102366⟩. ⟨hal-04543477⟩ Plus de détails...
  • Mathieu Martino, Hugo Taligrot, Clémence Cordier, Philippe Moulin. Supercritical fluid treatment of organic membranes. Journal of Membrane Science, 2022, 661, pp.120892. ⟨10.1016/j.memsci.2022.120892⟩. ⟨hal-04063877⟩ Plus de détails...
  • Mathieu Martino, Hugo Taligrot, Clémence Cordier, Philippe Moulin. Supercritical fluid treatment of organic membranes. Journal of Membrane Science, 2022, 661, pp.120892. ⟨10.1016/j.memsci.2022.120892⟩. ⟨hal-03967095⟩ Plus de détails...
  • H. Taligrot, M. Monnot, J. Ollivier, C. Cordier, N. Jacquet, et al.. Retention of the Tulane virus, a norovirus surrogate, by ultrafiltration in seawater and production systems. Aquaculture, 2022, 553, pp.738096. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaculture.2022.738096⟩. ⟨hal-04063881⟩ Plus de détails...
  • H. Taligrot, M. Monnot, J. Ollivier, C. Cordier, N. Jacquet, et al.. Retention of the Tulane virus, a norovirus surrogate, by ultrafiltration in seawater and production systems. Aquaculture, 2022, 553, pp.738096. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaculture.2022.738096⟩. ⟨hal-03967224⟩ Plus de détails...
  • T. Eljaddi, S. Ragueneau, C. Cordier, A. Lange, M. Rabiller, et al.. Ultrafiltration to secure shellfish industrial activities: Culture of microalgae and oyster fertilization. Aquacultural Engineering, 2021, 95, pp.102204. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaeng.2021.102204⟩. ⟨hal-03514653⟩ Plus de détails...
  • T. Eljaddi, S. Ragueneau, C. Cordier, A. Lange, M. Rabiller, et al.. Ultrafiltration to secure shellfish industrial activities: Culture of microalgae and oyster fertilization. Aquacultural Engineering, 2021, 95, pp.102204. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaeng.2021.102204⟩. ⟨hal-03597226⟩ Plus de détails...
  • Clémence Cordier, Alexandra Voulgaris, Christophe Stavrakakis, Patrick Sauvade, Franz Coelho, et al.. Ultrafiltration for environmental safety in shellfish production: A case of bloom emergence. Water Science and Engineering, 2021, 14 (1), pp.46-53. ⟨10.1016/j.wse.2021.03.003⟩. ⟨hal-03515327⟩ Plus de détails...
  • Clémence Cordier, Christophe Stavrakakis, Benjamin Morga, Lionel Degremont, Alexandra Voulgaris, et al.. Removal of pathogens by ultrafiltration from sea water. Environment International, 2020, 142, pp.105809. ⟨10.1016/j.envint.2020.105809⟩. ⟨hal-02891935⟩ Plus de détails...
  • Cordier Clémence, C. Stavrakakis, L. Charpin, M Papin, K. Guyomard, et al.. Ultrafiltration to produce pathogen free water in shellfish farms. Water today, 2020, 4, pp.28-34. ⟨hal-02891915⟩ Plus de détails...
  • Clémence Cordier, Tarik Eljaddi, Nadjim Ibouroihim, Christophe Stavrakakis, Patrick Sauvade, et al.. Optimization of Air Backwash Frequency during the Ultrafiltration of Seawater. Membranes, 2020, 10 (4), pp.78. ⟨10.3390/membranes10040078⟩. ⟨hal-02891926⟩ Plus de détails...
  • Clémence Cordier, Killian Guyomard, Christophe Stavrakakis, Patrick Sauvade, Franz Coelho, et al.. Culture of Microalgae with Ultrafiltered Seawater : A Feasibility Study. SciMedicine Journal, 2020, 2 (2), pp.56-62. ⟨hal-03251568⟩ Plus de détails...
  • Cordier Clémence, Killian Guyomard, Christophe Stavrakakis, Patrick Sauvade, Franz Coelho, et al.. Culture of Microalgae with Ultrafiltered Seawater : A Feasibility Study. SciMedicine Journal, 2020, 2 (2), pp.56-62. ⟨hal-02891956⟩ Plus de détails...
  • Clémence Cordier, Lisa Charpin, Christophe Stavrakakis, Mathias Papin, Killian Guyomard, et al.. Ultrafiltration: A solution to recycle the breeding waters in shellfish production. Aquaculture, 2019, 504, pp.30-38. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaculture.2019.01.045⟩. ⟨hal-02177016⟩ Plus de détails...
  • Clémence Cordier, Christophe Stavrakakis, Béatrice Dupuy, Mathias Papin, Patrick Sauvade, et al.. Ultrafiltration for environment safety in shellfish production: removal of oyster gametes in hatchery effluents. Aquacultural Engineering, 2019, 84, pp.80-90. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaeng.2018.12.008⟩. ⟨hal-01964883⟩ Plus de détails...
  • Clémence Cordier, Lisa Charpin, Christophe Stavrakakis, Mathias Papin, Killian Guyomard, et al.. Ultrafiltration: A solution to recycle the breeding waters in shellfish production. Aquaculture, 2019. ⟨hal-01993324⟩ Plus de détails...
  • Clémence Cordier, Christophe Stavrakakis, Patrick Sauvade, Franz Coelho, Philippe Moulin. Air Backwash Efficiency on Organic Fouling of UF Membranes Applied to Shellfish Hatchery Effluents. Membranes, 2018, 8 (3), ⟨10.3390/membranes8030048⟩. ⟨hal-01887993⟩ Plus de détails...