Thèse soutenue au M2P2 dans l'équipe Procédés Membranaires "Purification de l’eau de mer par membranes pour la protection du milieu marin et des éco systèmes vivants"
Membrane Separation
Water Treatment
Publications scientifiques au M2P2
J. Yang, A. Mouilleron, M. Monnot, C. Cordier, P. Moulin. Ultrafiltration for the biosecurity of fish production: The case of a sturgeon nursery. Aquacultural Engineering, 2023, 103, pp.102366. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaeng.2023.102366⟩. ⟨hal-04202096⟩ Plus de détails...
J. Yang, A. Mouilleron, M. Monnot, C. Cordier, P. Moulin. Ultrafiltration for the biosecurity of fish production: The case of a sturgeon nursery. Aquacultural Engineering, 2023, 103, pp.102366. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaeng.2023.102366⟩. ⟨hal-04202096⟩
J. Yang, A. Mouilleron, M. Monnot, C. Cordier, P. Moulin. Ultrafiltration for the biosecurity of fish production: The case of a sturgeon nursery. Aquacultural Engineering, 2023, 103, pp.102366. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaeng.2023.102366⟩. ⟨hal-04202096⟩ Plus de détails...
Sturgeon farming requires special attention. In addition to a relatively long rearing, climate change has resulted in increasingly high temperatures favorable to the emergence of pathogens. The control of water quality is essential especially the first years of life of the fish to prevent a mimivirus (AcIV-E) and a mycobacterium (Mycobacterium liflandii). These crises can lead to significant mortality (up to 70%) and have only been documented in hatchery populations where mortality can reach as high as 100 %. Mycobacterium liflandii, fatally affects young generations of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) mainly in year N + 1 with mortalities reaching 30 % when river temperatures rise above 21 °C (summer period). The retention of these pathogenic microorganisms and of total flora by ultrafiltration was evaluated at a semi-industrial scale. The first part focuses on the specific removal of mimivirus, total flora and mycobacteria and the second part aims to evaluate over the long term (5 months) the hydraulic performances of the ultrafiltration process. Although the temperature (maximum 21 °C) was not sufficient for the mycobacteria to be detected, a good retention of mimiviruses (up to 4.7 log removal) and total flora was observed throughout the study. A more stable water quality was obtained after ultrafiltration and this work confirms the potential great interest of ultrafiltration for the biosecurity of fish production.
J. Yang, A. Mouilleron, M. Monnot, C. Cordier, P. Moulin. Ultrafiltration for the biosecurity of fish production: The case of a sturgeon nursery. Aquacultural Engineering, 2023, 103, pp.102366. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaeng.2023.102366⟩. ⟨hal-04202096⟩
J. Yang, A. Mouilleron, Mathias Monnot, Cordier Clémence, Philippe Moulin. Ultrafiltration for the biosecurity of fish production: The case of a sturgeon nursery. Aquacultural Engineering, 2023, 103, pp.102366. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaeng.2023.102366⟩. ⟨hal-04543477⟩ Plus de détails...
Sturgeon farming requires special attention. In addition to a relatively long rearing, climate change has resulted in increasingly high temperatures favorable to the emergence of pathogens. The control of water quality is essential especially the first years of life of the fish to prevent a mimivirus (AcIV-E) and a mycobacterium (Mycobacterium liflandii). These crises can lead to significant mortality (up to 70%) and have only been documented in hatchery populations where mortality can reach as high as 100 %. Mycobacterium liflandii, fatally affects young generations of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) mainly in year N + 1 with mortalities reaching 30 % when river temperatures rise above 21 °C (summer period). The retention of these pathogenic microorganisms and of total flora by ultrafiltration was evaluated at a semi-industrial scale. The first part focuses on the specific removal of mimivirus, total flora and mycobacteria and the second part aims to evaluate over the long term (5 months) the hydraulic performances of the ultrafiltration process. Although the temperature (maximum 21 °C) was not sufficient for the mycobacteria to be detected, a good retention of mimiviruses (up to 4.7 log removal) and total flora was observed throughout the study. A more stable water quality was obtained after ultrafiltration and this work confirms the potential great interest of ultrafiltration for the biosecurity of fish production.
J. Yang, A. Mouilleron, Mathias Monnot, Cordier Clémence, Philippe Moulin. Ultrafiltration for the biosecurity of fish production: The case of a sturgeon nursery. Aquacultural Engineering, 2023, 103, pp.102366. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaeng.2023.102366⟩. ⟨hal-04543477⟩
Mathieu Martino, Hugo Taligrot, Clémence Cordier, Philippe Moulin. Supercritical fluid treatment of organic membranes. Journal of Membrane Science, 2022, 661, pp.120892. ⟨10.1016/j.memsci.2022.120892⟩. ⟨hal-04063877⟩ Plus de détails...
Membrane processes are used for drinking water production and medical applications to remove and/or produce viruses using organic membranes. It appears that backwashing is not sufficient to remove all the viruses stopped by the membrane. The use of "one-shot" membranes or chlorinated solution filtration can be considered with an additional cost and accelerated aging of the membranes respectively. The inactivation of bacteria, spores and/or viruses has been demonstrated by the use of supercritical fluid. The use of a supercritical CO 2 treatment of organic membranes is studied with the aim to investigate the impact of this treatment on the membrane performances and on virus destruction. It is demonstrated that whatever the operating conditions, the membrane materials and the application modes, the permeability and the retention of the membrane are not impacted. TEM observation of the viruses after treatment shows no virus integrity.
Mathieu Martino, Hugo Taligrot, Clémence Cordier, Philippe Moulin. Supercritical fluid treatment of organic membranes. Journal of Membrane Science, 2022, 661, pp.120892. ⟨10.1016/j.memsci.2022.120892⟩. ⟨hal-04063877⟩
Mathieu Martino, Hugo Taligrot, Clémence Cordier, Philippe Moulin. Supercritical fluid treatment of organic membranes. Journal of Membrane Science, 2022, 661, pp.120892. ⟨10.1016/j.memsci.2022.120892⟩. ⟨hal-03967095⟩ Plus de détails...
H. Taligrot, M. Monnot, J. Ollivier, C. Cordier, N. Jacquet, et al.. Retention of the Tulane virus, a norovirus surrogate, by ultrafiltration in seawater and production systems. Aquaculture, 2022, 553, pp.738096. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaculture.2022.738096⟩. ⟨hal-04063881⟩ Plus de détails...
Shellfish as a foodstuff must meet sanitary quality objectives for the protection of consumers and this quality is closely linked to the water. The oyster industry considered this challenge related to contaminations and currently, the major risk of disease is due to the presence of norovirus (NoV) since all oyster-consuming countries report outbreaks of gastroenteritis linked to the presence of this microorganism. Ultrafiltration has already demonstrated to be efficient for viral protection of oyster farms in previous studies. In this work, retention by ultrafiltration of Tulane virus, a NoV surrogate, was evaluated. The effect of virus concentration in the feed on the ultrafiltration efficiency has been assessed. Low retentions of about 1 log were observed at the lowest viral concentrations. At higher concentrations, an increase of retention up to 5 log was obtained. These results highlight the potential overestimation of UF efficiency during laboratory experiments realized at high concentrations, compared to low concentrations found in environmental resources. In agreement with other studies, higher retentions at high concentrations could be explained by formation of viral aggregates, which could facilitate the steric exclusion but also modify the electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions between isolated viruses/aggregates and membrane. Virus retentions with a fresh mineral water (Evian water) and seawater were compared. Seawater achieved higher retention rates for Tulane virus due to the membrane fouling.
H. Taligrot, M. Monnot, J. Ollivier, C. Cordier, N. Jacquet, et al.. Retention of the Tulane virus, a norovirus surrogate, by ultrafiltration in seawater and production systems. Aquaculture, 2022, 553, pp.738096. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaculture.2022.738096⟩. ⟨hal-04063881⟩
H. Taligrot, M. Monnot, J. Ollivier, C. Cordier, N. Jacquet, et al.. Retention of the Tulane virus, a norovirus surrogate, by ultrafiltration in seawater and production systems. Aquaculture, 2022, 553, pp.738096. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaculture.2022.738096⟩. ⟨hal-03967224⟩ Plus de détails...
Shellfish as a foodstuff must meet sanitary quality objectives for the protection of consumers and this quality is closely linked to the water. The oyster industry considered this challenge related to contaminations and currently, the major risk of disease is due to the presence of norovirus (NoV) since all oyster-consuming countries report outbreaks of gastroenteritis linked to the presence of this microorganism. Ultrafiltration has already demonstrated to be efficient for viral protection of oyster farms in previous studies. In this work, retention by ultrafiltration of Tulane virus, a NoV surrogate, was evaluated. The effect of virus concentration in the feed on the ultrafiltration efficiency has been assessed. Low retentions of about 1 log were observed at the lowest viral concentrations. At higher concentrations, an increase of retention up to 5 log was obtained. These results highlight the potential overestimation of UF efficiency during laboratory experiments realized at high concentrations, compared to low concentrations found in environmental resources. In agreement with other studies, higher retentions at high concentrations could be explained by formation of viral aggregates, which could facilitate the steric exclusion but also modify the electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions between isolated viruses/aggregates and membrane. Virus retentions with a fresh mineral water (Evian water) and seawater were compared. Seawater achieved higher retention rates for Tulane virus due to the membrane fouling.
H. Taligrot, M. Monnot, J. Ollivier, C. Cordier, N. Jacquet, et al.. Retention of the Tulane virus, a norovirus surrogate, by ultrafiltration in seawater and production systems. Aquaculture, 2022, 553, pp.738096. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaculture.2022.738096⟩. ⟨hal-03967224⟩
T. Eljaddi, S. Ragueneau, C. Cordier, A. Lange, M. Rabiller, et al.. Ultrafiltration to secure shellfish industrial activities: Culture of microalgae and oyster fertilization. Aquacultural Engineering, 2021, 95, pp.102204. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaeng.2021.102204⟩. ⟨hal-03514653⟩ Plus de détails...
Shellfish farming, a key sector of French aquaculture activity, allows the production of oyster spat in a controlled environment. Their production in commercial hatcheries requires control over the quality of the seawater used to sustain crossbreeding, breeding, and the production of fodder microalgae. Therefore, improving the filtration conditions of incoming water is crucial in ensuring the sustainability of production. An ultrafiltration pilot plant was therefore installed at Vendee Naissain. This ultrafiltration pilot plant allows filtration at 0.02 mu m; it is used upstream of hatcheries to eliminate pathogens and parasites that can influence the development of cultivated species and downstream to remove oyster gametes in hatchery effluents. The objectives of this work were: (i) to use ultrafiltered seawater for the culture of the microalga Isochrysis lutea (T-Iso) to determine whether better growth than that observed with borehole water, historically used by the producer, can be achieved; and (ii) to determine whether the use of ultrafiltered water results in better fertilization rates of the cupped oyster Crassostrea gigas compared to filtered and UV-treated seawater. Ultrafiltered water has shown definite efficiency for culturing T-Iso with rapid growth and significant reduction in contamination compared to cultivation in well water. The contribution of ultrafiltered water in hatching is more nuanced; ultrafiltered water does not stabilize hatch rates, and its quality is highly dependent on the quality of the seawater used.
T. Eljaddi, S. Ragueneau, C. Cordier, A. Lange, M. Rabiller, et al.. Ultrafiltration to secure shellfish industrial activities: Culture of microalgae and oyster fertilization. Aquacultural Engineering, 2021, 95, pp.102204. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaeng.2021.102204⟩. ⟨hal-03514653⟩
T. Eljaddi, S. Ragueneau, C. Cordier, A. Lange, M. Rabiller, et al.. Ultrafiltration to secure shellfish industrial activities: Culture of microalgae and oyster fertilization. Aquacultural Engineering, 2021, 95, pp.102204. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaeng.2021.102204⟩. ⟨hal-03597226⟩ Plus de détails...
Shellfish farming, a key sector of French aquaculture activity, allows the production of oyster spat in a controlled environment. Their production in commercial hatcheries requires control over the quality of the seawater used to sustain crossbreeding, breeding, and the production of fodder microalgae. Therefore, improving the filtration conditions of incoming water is crucial in ensuring the sustainability of production. An ultrafiltration pilot plant was therefore installed at Vendee Naissain. This ultrafiltration pilot plant allows filtration at 0.02 mu m; it is used upstream of hatcheries to eliminate pathogens and parasites that can influence the development of cultivated species and downstream to remove oyster gametes in hatchery effluents. The objectives of this work were: (i) to use ultrafiltered seawater for the culture of the microalga Isochrysis lutea (T-Iso) to determine whether better growth than that observed with borehole water, historically used by the producer, can be achieved; and (ii) to determine whether the use of ultrafiltered water results in better fertilization rates of the cupped oyster Crassostrea gigas compared to filtered and UV-treated seawater. Ultrafiltered water has shown definite efficiency for culturing T-Iso with rapid growth and significant reduction in contamination compared to cultivation in well water. The contribution of ultrafiltered water in hatching is more nuanced; ultrafiltered water does not stabilize hatch rates, and its quality is highly dependent on the quality of the seawater used.
T. Eljaddi, S. Ragueneau, C. Cordier, A. Lange, M. Rabiller, et al.. Ultrafiltration to secure shellfish industrial activities: Culture of microalgae and oyster fertilization. Aquacultural Engineering, 2021, 95, pp.102204. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaeng.2021.102204⟩. ⟨hal-03597226⟩
Clémence Cordier, Alexandra Voulgaris, Christophe Stavrakakis, Patrick Sauvade, Franz Coelho, et al.. Ultrafiltration for environmental safety in shellfish production: A case of bloom emergence. Water Science and Engineering, 2021, 14 (1), pp.46-53. ⟨10.1016/j.wse.2021.03.003⟩. ⟨hal-03515327⟩ Plus de détails...
The process of ultrafiltration (UF) of natural seawater often encounters the problems of variation in water quality and coastal blooms. To validate the feasibility of UF in shellfish farms, this study compared the hydraulic performance and pollutant removal efficiency of the UF process with those of the commonly used treatments that combine several filtration steps with ultraviolet (UV) disinfection. The comparison was conducted in the cases of natural seawater and a coastal bloom. Given that the UF process encountered the specific type of pollution, this study evaluated the filtration performance of the UF process and the retention of total suspended solids (TSS), bacteria, phytoplankton, and zooplankton. A real coastal bloom was considered in the case study of an experimental shellfish hatchery/nursery in France. The results show that both treatments were able to eliminate approximately 50% of TSS. However, in contrast with UV treatment combined with filtration, the UF process retained total amounts of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and bacteria in the bloom. Although the hydraulic performance of the UF process was impacted by the coastal bloom, the fouling was eliminated through chemical cleaning conducted at a frequency less than once per 12 h. Despite the severe pollution, this study confirmed the pollution resistance and treatment performance of the UF process, indicating that UF has the potential to enhance the biosecurity level. (C) 2021 Hohai University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
Clémence Cordier, Alexandra Voulgaris, Christophe Stavrakakis, Patrick Sauvade, Franz Coelho, et al.. Ultrafiltration for environmental safety in shellfish production: A case of bloom emergence. Water Science and Engineering, 2021, 14 (1), pp.46-53. ⟨10.1016/j.wse.2021.03.003⟩. ⟨hal-03515327⟩
Clémence Cordier, Christophe Stavrakakis, Benjamin Morga, Lionel Degremont, Alexandra Voulgaris, et al.. Removal of pathogens by ultrafiltration from sea water. Environment International, 2020, 142, pp.105809. ⟨10.1016/j.envint.2020.105809⟩. ⟨hal-02891935⟩ Plus de détails...
Among water treatment processes, ultrafiltration is known to be efficient for the elimination of micro-organisms (bacteria and viruses). In this study, two pathogens were targeted, a bacterium, Vibrio aestuarianus and a virus, OsHV-1, with the objective to produce high quality water from seawater, in the case of shellfish productions. The retention of those microorganisms by ultrafiltration was evaluated at labscale. In the case of OsHV-1, the protection of oysters was validated by in vivo experiments using oysters spat and larvae, both stages being highly susceptible to the virus. The oysters raised using contaminated seawater which was then subsequently treated by ultrafiltration, had similar mortality to the negative controls. In the case of V. aestuarianus, ultrafiltration allowed a high retention of the bacteria in seawater with concentrations below the detection limits of the 3 analytical methods (flow cytometry, direct seeding and seeding after filtration to 0.22 µm). Thus, the quantity of V. aestuarianus was at least, 400 times inferior to the threshold known to induce mortalities in oysters. Industrial scale experiment on a several months period confirmed the conclusion obtained at lab scale on the Vibrio bacteria retention. Indeed, no bacteria from this genus, potentially harmful for oysters, was detected in permeate and this, whatever the quality of the seawater treated and the bacteria concentration upstream of the membrane. Moreover, the resistance of the process was confirmed with a stability of hydraulic performances over time for two water qualities and even facing an algal bloom. In terms of retention and resistance, ultrafiltration process was validated for the treatment of seawater towards the targeted pathogenic microorganisms, with the aim of biosecuring shellfish productions.
Clémence Cordier, Christophe Stavrakakis, Benjamin Morga, Lionel Degremont, Alexandra Voulgaris, et al.. Removal of pathogens by ultrafiltration from sea water. Environment International, 2020, 142, pp.105809. ⟨10.1016/j.envint.2020.105809⟩. ⟨hal-02891935⟩
Cordier Clémence, C. Stavrakakis, L. Charpin, M Papin, K. Guyomard, et al.. Ultrafiltration to produce pathogen free water in shellfish farms. Water today, 2020, 4, pp.28-34. ⟨hal-02891915⟩ Plus de détails...
This study demonstrates that, whatever the quality of the seawater, the ultrafiltration process delivers disinfected water with a quality adapted to shellfish culture.
Cordier Clémence, C. Stavrakakis, L. Charpin, M Papin, K. Guyomard, et al.. Ultrafiltration to produce pathogen free water in shellfish farms. Water today, 2020, 4, pp.28-34. ⟨hal-02891915⟩
Clémence Cordier, Tarik Eljaddi, Nadjim Ibouroihim, Christophe Stavrakakis, Patrick Sauvade, et al.. Optimization of Air Backwash Frequency during the Ultrafiltration of Seawater. Membranes, 2020, 10 (4), pp.78. ⟨10.3390/membranes10040078⟩. ⟨hal-02891926⟩ Plus de détails...
The main objective of this paper is to study the effect of new air backwash on dead-end ultrafiltration of seawater with a pilot at semi-industrial scale (20 m3/day). To control membrane fouling, two different backwashes were used to clean the membrane: classical backwash (CB) and new air backwash (AB) that consists of injecting air into the membrane module before a classical backwash. To evaluate the efficiency of AB and CB, a resistance in series model was used to calculate each resistance: membrane (Rm), reversible (Rrev) and irreversible (Rirr). The variation of the seawater quality was considered by integrating the turbidity variation versus time. The results indicate clearly that AB was more performant than CB and frequency of AB/CB cycles was important to control membrane fouling. In this study, frequencies of 1/5 and 1/3 appear more efficient than 1/7 and 1/9. In addition, the operation conditions (flux and time of filtration) had an important role in maintaining membrane performance—whatever the variation of the seawater quality.
Clémence Cordier, Tarik Eljaddi, Nadjim Ibouroihim, Christophe Stavrakakis, Patrick Sauvade, et al.. Optimization of Air Backwash Frequency during the Ultrafiltration of Seawater. Membranes, 2020, 10 (4), pp.78. ⟨10.3390/membranes10040078⟩. ⟨hal-02891926⟩
Clémence Cordier, Killian Guyomard, Christophe Stavrakakis, Patrick Sauvade, Franz Coelho, et al.. Culture of Microalgae with Ultrafiltered Seawater : A Feasibility Study. SciMedicine Journal, 2020, 2 (2), pp.56-62. ⟨hal-03251568⟩ Plus de détails...
The culture of microalgae is important for the production and maintenance of bivalves. One of the major challenges is to maintain the reliability of microalgae forages over the long term. The aim of this work is to use Ultrafiltered (UF) seawater to cultivate them. Thus, cultures in a volume of 300 L of 2 species of microalgae Tetraselmis and T-isochrysis, were monitored in UF water (membrane pore size: 20 nm) and in sea water usually used on the Ifremer mollusk experimental platform of Bouin (France) (Prefiltration, 3 filtrations and 2 UV). The major result is the securing of microlagae cultures with the absence of parasites in all cultures supplied with ultrafiltered water, unlike analyses of the various control cultures. In the case of T-isochrysis, 3 cultures out of 4 resulted in higher microalgae concentrations, up to 30%, in ultrafiltered water thus bringing a benefit on the algal density. These conclusions and the ease of recovering water (linked to the reduction in treatment stages) allowed a transfer of technology. In fact the 300 L cultures hitherto carried out on the experimental platform are now produced in ultrafiltered water since early 2019.
Clémence Cordier, Killian Guyomard, Christophe Stavrakakis, Patrick Sauvade, Franz Coelho, et al.. Culture of Microalgae with Ultrafiltered Seawater : A Feasibility Study. SciMedicine Journal, 2020, 2 (2), pp.56-62. ⟨hal-03251568⟩
Cordier Clémence, Killian Guyomard, Christophe Stavrakakis, Patrick Sauvade, Franz Coelho, et al.. Culture of Microalgae with Ultrafiltered Seawater : A Feasibility Study. SciMedicine Journal, 2020, 2 (2), pp.56-62. ⟨hal-02891956⟩ Plus de détails...
The culture of microalgae is important for the production and maintenance of bivalves. One of the major challenges is to maintain the reliability of microalgae forages over the long term. The aim of this work is to use Ultrafiltered (UF) seawater to cultivate them. Thus, cultures in a volume of 300 L of 2 species of microalgae Tetraselmis and T-isochrysis, were monitored in UF water (membrane pore size: 20 nm) and in sea water usually used on the Ifremer mollusk experimental platform of Bouin (France) (Prefiltration, 3 filtrations and 2 UV). The major result is the securing of microlagae cultures with the absence of parasites in all cultures supplied with ultrafiltered water, unlike analyses of the various control cultures. In the case of T-isochrysis, 3 cultures out of 4 resulted in higher microalgae concentrations, up to 30%, in ultrafiltered water thus bringing a benefit on the algal density. These conclusions and the ease of recovering water (linked to the reduction in treatment stages) allowed a transfer of technology. In fact the 300 L cultures hitherto carried out on the experimental platform are now produced in ultrafiltered water since early 2019.
Cordier Clémence, Killian Guyomard, Christophe Stavrakakis, Patrick Sauvade, Franz Coelho, et al.. Culture of Microalgae with Ultrafiltered Seawater : A Feasibility Study. SciMedicine Journal, 2020, 2 (2), pp.56-62. ⟨hal-02891956⟩
Clémence Cordier, Lisa Charpin, Christophe Stavrakakis, Mathias Papin, Killian Guyomard, et al.. Ultrafiltration: A solution to recycle the breeding waters in shellfish production. Aquaculture, 2019, 504, pp.30-38. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaculture.2019.01.045⟩. ⟨hal-02177016⟩ Plus de détails...
Shellfish profession is jeopardized by water quality problem that concerns inlet, with the need to protect the animals from pathogens contaminations, and effluents potentially harmful for the environment with the presence of pathogens, nutrients or organic matter. In this study, ultrafiltration was tested to answer these issues. The objective of the work was two-fold: (i) treat a real effluent from an oyster breeding, the pilot had to continuously face a water containing organic matter and pathogens and (ii) use ultrafiltered water to feed an oyster spat. The process was proved to be efficient in terms of total suspended solids (TSS) and bacterial retention, and especially for Vibrio bacteria, some of whom are potentially harmful for shells. The sustainability of the process facing this pollution was demonstrated and thus for different filtration conditions. Indeed, backwashes and air-backwashes performed were efficient enough to control the fouling generated, so a chemical cleaning was necessary about every 12 h. Water quality parameters, physico-chemical and bacterial, of ultrafiltered effluents were similar to the one obtained with a classical seawater used to feed oyster spats. Ultrafiltration was efficient to treat an effluent from oyster farm and produce water allowing the grown of juveniles. This process could be a solution to reuse effluents in shellfish farms.
Clémence Cordier, Lisa Charpin, Christophe Stavrakakis, Mathias Papin, Killian Guyomard, et al.. Ultrafiltration: A solution to recycle the breeding waters in shellfish production. Aquaculture, 2019, 504, pp.30-38. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaculture.2019.01.045⟩. ⟨hal-02177016⟩
Clémence Cordier, Christophe Stavrakakis, Béatrice Dupuy, Mathias Papin, Patrick Sauvade, et al.. Ultrafiltration for environment safety in shellfish production: removal of oyster gametes in hatchery effluents. Aquacultural Engineering, 2019, 84, pp.80-90. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaeng.2018.12.008⟩. ⟨hal-01964883⟩ Plus de détails...
Triploid oysters are favoured by the aquaculture industry because of their sterility, which results in two advantages: a faster growth than natural oysters and a constant quality throughout all the year, which is attractive for consumers. In France, these oysters are mainly produced by mating natural and tetraploid oysters whose production poses a risk for marine environmental biodiversity if biological material is released into the environment. Therefore, effluents from farms which could produce those kinds of oysters must be treated. The objective of this work was to treat shellfish hatchery effluents by ultrafiltration. The retention of gametes by the membrane, was validated for different scenario, 5 log removals were obtained, and their viability was evaluated after treatment highlighting a destruction of these species after air-backwash. The sustainability of the process facing this organic pollution on the duration of each test but also on the period of the study was demonstrated. A protection of the marine environment biodiversity is obtained with ultrafiltration processes.
Clémence Cordier, Christophe Stavrakakis, Béatrice Dupuy, Mathias Papin, Patrick Sauvade, et al.. Ultrafiltration for environment safety in shellfish production: removal of oyster gametes in hatchery effluents. Aquacultural Engineering, 2019, 84, pp.80-90. ⟨10.1016/j.aquaeng.2018.12.008⟩. ⟨hal-01964883⟩
Clémence Cordier, Lisa Charpin, Christophe Stavrakakis, Mathias Papin, Killian Guyomard, et al.. Ultrafiltration: A solution to recycle the breeding waters in shellfish production. Aquaculture, 2019. ⟨hal-01993324⟩ Plus de détails...
Clémence Cordier, Lisa Charpin, Christophe Stavrakakis, Mathias Papin, Killian Guyomard, et al.. Ultrafiltration: A solution to recycle the breeding waters in shellfish production. Aquaculture, 2019. ⟨hal-01993324⟩
Clémence Cordier, Christophe Stavrakakis, Patrick Sauvade, Franz Coelho, Philippe Moulin. Air Backwash Efficiency on Organic Fouling of UF Membranes Applied to Shellfish Hatchery Effluents. Membranes, 2018, 8 (3), ⟨10.3390/membranes8030048⟩. ⟨hal-01887993⟩ Plus de détails...
Among all the techniques studied to overcome fouling generated in dead-end filtration, the injection of air during backwashes proved to be the most effective. Indeed, shear stress engendered by the two-phase flow enhanced particle removal on membrane surface. This work aims to study the injection of air to drain the membranes before backwash. Firstly, the efficiency of this backwash procedure was evaluated during the ultrafiltration of seawater on a semi industrial pilot plant using different operating conditions. Then, the treatment of seawater, doped with oyster gametes to simulate the filtration of shellfish hatchery effluents, was performed to confirm the hydraulic performance of the air backwash. Indeed, the release of gametes, expulsed by exotic bivalves in the natural environment, could be a risk for the biodiversity preservation. The impact of air backwash on the integrity of oocytes and spermatozoa was identified using flow cytometry and microscopic analyses. When oyster gametes were added, their retention by ultrafiltration was validated. The impact of air backwash on these species viability was a significant information point for the implementation of this process on shellfish production farms.
Clémence Cordier, Christophe Stavrakakis, Patrick Sauvade, Franz Coelho, Philippe Moulin. Air Backwash Efficiency on Organic Fouling of UF Membranes Applied to Shellfish Hatchery Effluents. Membranes, 2018, 8 (3), ⟨10.3390/membranes8030048⟩. ⟨hal-01887993⟩