Energy and Sustainable Mobility
axe 1


Team leader

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The Energy and Sustainable Mobility axis 

is dedicated to exploring and developing innovative solutions to societal energy and environmental challenges. This multi-disciplinary group works at the crossroads of cutting-edge technologies and sustainable approaches. Its main objective is to understand flows to optimize the energy efficiency of systems, while rethinking both energy sources and modes of transport to reduce carbon emissions.

The axis' key scientific disciplines, as well as the advanced numerical tools developed and/or used, include :
  • Fluid mechanics
  • Plasma physics applied to thermonuclear fusion
  • Thermodynamics
  • Systems analysis

To carry out their research, the members of the axis rely on advanced numerical tools such as ProLB, SOLEDGE, TAPAS, FeDoT, Saturne and OpenFOAM.

They also use specific numerical methods and scientific approaches, such as
  • The Lattice-Boltzmann method for solving the Navier-Stokes equations
  • The Monte-Carlo method to describe the dynamics of energetic particles used to heat nuclear fusion plasmas
  • The fluid approach for solving the magnetohydrodynamic equations to model turbulent flows and instabilities in fusion plasmas.
  • The Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method for solving the wave propagation equation in a fusion plasma.
  • The immersed boundary method to treat moving boundaries
  • The NRTL-PR model
  • Cubic equations of state
  • Hybrid RANS-LES model for describing turbulent flows
  • Artificial intelligence, which is naturally integrated into the axis to analyze large quantities of data and design predictive models for energy systems.

The axis' projects cover a wide range of fields, including aerodynamics, renewable energies, green hydrogen, and nuclear fusion as a new energy source. Interdisciplinarity is at the heart of their approach, enabling them to cross-fertilize knowledge in engineering, physics, chemistry and applied mathematics to develop technologies with a positive impact on society. The members of this axis work closely with industrial partners, public bodies and international laboratories.