Indeed, for each application, the choice of process, pre-treatment/post-treatment and filtration conditions must be determined taking into account a matrix that is sometimes complex and always generates fouling (algal suspensions, effluents) or seawater of variable quality. The characterization of fouling is therefore a key point in terms of composition and resistance, in order to control it or adapt cleaning operations. At the same time, a multi-disciplinary approach is essential to assess the performance of the process deployed:
- Identify and use suitable analytical methods and tools to characterize the flows obtained and quantify the compounds of interest, taking into account the complexity of the matrices studied;
- Set up methods for validating and characterizing water quality using in vivo/in vitro tests, in comparison with commonly deployed processes (notably filtration, UV disinfection or chlorination);
- Characterize and monitor biological models of interest.
Finally, links with industry are at the heart of most studies, with large-scale projects and numerous collaborations.