Waves and immersed interfaces

Left: Propagation of explosive source in 2D layered porous media with a water reservoir. Right: Multidiffusion of a plane wave by porous elliptical scatterers with fractional diffusion.
Numerical tools have been developed to simulate the propagation of mechanical waves in complex media. They are based on high-order integration schemes of the propagation equations and on immersed interface techniques. 

Numerous realistic configurations have been studied in heterogeneous, diffusive and stratified porous media, often in connection with subsurface imaging and oil exploration. 

Studies have also been carried out in the context of non-destructive testing and propagation in damaged media. The effects of non-linearity and softening in concrete-type materials are modeled and taken into account numerically using appropriate schemes.

This work is being carried out in close collaboration with LMA and IUSTI, two other laboratories in the Fédération Fabri de Peiresc. 

The numerical techniques developed have been brought together in the PROSPERO software, enabling our work to be more widely disseminated within the acoustics community.
Wave propagation inside an aluminum cube