Today, many sectors of activity, mainly related to biology, health and biotechnology, but also process engineering, are raising similar issues, but with interfaces with much richer mechanical behavior. Vesicles and capsules are the subjects of interest, with motivations ranging from individual behavior to suspension rheology. These systems can be described as biomimetic, since they are inspired by the organization of living organisms on a microscopic scale: cells, exchanges and transport. Their study meets objectives as varied as the understanding of living systems, drug vectorization, and the design of microtransporters and microreactors in microfluidic circuits. The general framework of our research, carried out in collaboration with Dr. Leonetti and Dr. Boedec of IRPHE for the experimental and theoretical part, is numerical simulation at very small scales (Stokes regime), for which the complex couplings with other physical, chemical and biological phenomena cannot be ignored.