The activities target current industry challenges and the study of aero-(hydro)dynamic phenomena in external and internal flows, under realistic conditions around surfaces that may be translational, rotational, and subject to vibrations and large deformations. This work is largely based on stability analyses as well as on a lattice Boltzmann approach, mainly with the ProLB code, coupled with the immersed boundary method.
Research directions
1. Aerodynamics of incompressible and compressible turbulent flows: flows around moving bodies (wind turbines, turbomachines...), possibly with deformations (airfoils, blades, ...), internal flows in nuclear reactors, ...
2. Fundamental mechanisms of transport and transfer in academic configurations: flows in nanostructures at intermediate Knussen numbers, flows and instabilities in the vicinity and in membrane systems.
3. Dispersion of pollutants in buildings and in urban environments in realistic geometries at the scale of a neighborhood.
4. Numerical developments: turbulence modeling (RANS, hybrid RANS/LES), consideration of moving geometries and couplings (low speed thermal, compressible with shocks, fluid/structure with large deformations,...).
5. Uncertainty propagation: based on Bayesian statistical methods, Bootstrap and Monte Carlo methods based on functional analysis tools. These methods will be applied in a first step on wind speeds in a wind farm.
Collaborations, Education and Valorization
Main academic collaborations: IUSTI, CERFACS, LHEEA Nantes, LMFA, IRSN, Chalmers (Sweden), University Federico II Naples (Italy), Colorado school of Mines (USA), Northwestern University (USA), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany)
Main industrial partners: Renault, Safran, Airbus, CS-group, EIFFAGE, VINCI, Areva, EDF renouvelable, EDF R&D, Total Energies, Hydro-Québec,
Associated research and education structures: Master Mécanique Aéronautique & Transport, IMI.
Platforms (instrumental or digital): AMU mesocenter, GENCI, CFD (accredited technology platform of the Aix-Marseille site.
Ongoing projects: ANR ALBUM industrial chair, BALBUZARD project (DGAC), CIFRE theses (Airbus Helicopter, IFPEN, Thalès,,