
3 thematic axes, 6 research teams, 2 sites

The originality of M2P2 lies in its research themes in the fields of Computational Fluid Mechanics and Process Engineering through 6 team. 
Research in mechanics and modeling is combined with strong methodological development around calculation codes for the simulation of natural and industrial flows. 
In the field of process engineering, research focuses on the development of innovative processes, as well as on the study of the issues at stake in these processes, as part of a strong contractual activity.
3 cross-disciplinary axes complete this matrix structure, exploring new avenues of research on innovative and topical projects, taking advantage of cross-team skills.

3 thematic axes

In the face of today's increasingly complex socio-economic challenges, interdisciplinary collaboration should enrich the way we perceive the world and enable us to find innovative scientific strategies for a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of phenomena.

This structuring into three cross-disciplinary axes provides an intuitive indication of the major areas of application for our projects. Each of these areas brings together researchers from the laboratory working on cross-disciplinary projects, which impact several teams and require the pooling of specific disciplinary skills.

See more on the dedicated pages:

Axis 1 : Energy and Sustainable Mobility
Axis 2 : Environmental Engineering
Axis 3 : Biomedical Engineering