Thèse de Doctorat soutenue au M2P2 en 2016 sur le "Traitement des eaux par couplage lagunage – procédés membranaires"
Publications scientifiques au M2P2
Ahmad Ben Fakhri, Jacques Artaud, Gregory Cano, Philippe Moulin. Development of a Measure Cell to Assess by Amperometry Dissolved Oxygen in Vegetable Oils. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 2023, pp.2200120. ⟨10.1002/ejlt.202200120⟩. ⟨hal-04055906⟩ Plus de détails...
Dissolved oxygen in vegetable oils is an important component of oil degradation over time. Various methods for the determination of dissolved oxygen in oils are proposed in the literature leading to very variable results. An amperometric method associated with a cell of measurement in dynamic mode makes it possible to determine the conditions of stability of the measurements of the relative dissolved oxygen concentration (RDOC, mg L−1) and the electrolysis current intensity (ECI) (nA) in seed oils and virgin olive oils. The effects of oxygenation/deoxygenation time and temperature on RDOC measurements are investigated. For virgin olive oils, the RDOC in bottles closed for eight weeks varies from 0 to 0.9 mg L−1. The nature of the fruitiness and the filtration of the oils have no influence on the RDOC. The monitoring of RDOC and ECI during the flow of virgin olive oil in a column open to air, simulating an industrial tank, shows differences in dissolved oxygen concentration due to a faster flow of oil in the center of the column than at the walls. This result is validated by a similar experiment with nitrogen inerting the column and by a numerical simulation. Practical applications: Knowledge of the oxygen dissolved in vegetable oils is an important factor in limiting the autoxidation phenomenon to increase their shelf life. The development of a cell for measuring the relative dissolved oxygen concentration (RDOC) in vegetable oils and its conditions of use, provides a tool for the RDOC applicable to the different stages of the manufacturing process and during storage or packaging. The RDOC measurement is particularly useful during long storage in tanks whether inerted or not.
Ahmad Ben Fakhri, Jacques Artaud, Gregory Cano, Philippe Moulin. Development of a Measure Cell to Assess by Amperometry Dissolved Oxygen in Vegetable Oils. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 2023, pp.2200120. ⟨10.1002/ejlt.202200120⟩. ⟨hal-04055906⟩
Journal: European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
Ahmad Ben Fakhri, J. Artaud, Gregory Cano, Philippe Moulin. Development of a Measure Cell to Assess by Amperometry Dissolved Oxygen in Vegetable Oils. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 2023, pp.2200120. ⟨10.1002/ejlt.202200120⟩. ⟨hal-04055906⟩ Plus de détails...
Dissolved oxygen in vegetable oils is an important component of oil degradation over time. Various methods for the determination of dissolved oxygen in oils are proposed in the literature leading to very variable results. An amperometric method associated with a cell of measurement in dynamic mode makes it possible to determine the conditions of stability of the measurements of the relative dissolved oxygen concentration (RDOC, mg L−1) and the electrolysis current intensity (ECI) (nA) in seed oils and virgin olive oils. The effects of oxygenation/deoxygenation time and temperature on RDOC measurements are investigated. For virgin olive oils, the RDOC in bottles closed for eight weeks varies from 0 to 0.9 mg L−1. The nature of the fruitiness and the filtration of the oils have no influence on the RDOC. The monitoring of RDOC and ECI during the flow of virgin olive oil in a column open to air, simulating an industrial tank, shows differences in dissolved oxygen concentration due to a faster flow of oil in the center of the column than at the walls. This result is validated by a similar experiment with nitrogen inerting the column and by a numerical simulation. Practical applications: Knowledge of the oxygen dissolved in vegetable oils is an important factor in limiting the autoxidation phenomenon to increase their shelf life. The development of a cell for measuring the relative dissolved oxygen concentration (RDOC) in vegetable oils and its conditions of use, provides a tool for the RDOC applicable to the different stages of the manufacturing process and during storage or packaging. The RDOC measurement is particularly useful during long storage in tanks whether inerted or not.
Ahmad Ben Fakhri, J. Artaud, Gregory Cano, Philippe Moulin. Development of a Measure Cell to Assess by Amperometry Dissolved Oxygen in Vegetable Oils. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 2023, pp.2200120. ⟨10.1002/ejlt.202200120⟩. ⟨hal-04055906⟩
Journal: European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology
Grégory Cano, Philippe Moulin. Treatment of Boiler Condensate by Ultrafiltration for Reuse. Membranes, 2022, 12 (12), pp.1285. ⟨10.3390/membranes12121285⟩. ⟨hal-03967074⟩ Plus de détails...
The generation of water vapor is crucial for the petrochemical industry. In order to protect the boiler from damage, the re-injected water must not contain any suspended matter, especially hydrocarbons. Moreover, it is condensed steam with a temperature close to 100 °C and the unintentional creation or chronic generation of pollution, respectively, that can more or less produce the concentrated pollution. In this context, membrane processes appear promising in order to achieve this reuse and more especially crossflow ceramic membranes. The novelty of this paper is to study the retention of hydrocarbons and suspended solids contained in the condensate hot water of a high-capacity boiler using ceramic ultrafiltration membranes. In total, two ultrafiltration molecular weight cut-offs were used: 50–150 kDa. Several operating parameters were studied such as effluent type (accidental or chronic pollution), temperature, transmembrane pressure, initial volume, and pilot plant size. In all cases, retention of suspended matter was above 90% and residual hydrocarbon concentrations were under 0.1 ppm even for high-volume concentrations. Control of the transmembrane pressure and the molecular weight cut-off of the membrane are key to optimizing the process. Despite the high-volume concentration obtained, the membranes were perfectly regenerated with conventional cleaning procedures.
Grégory Cano, Philippe Moulin. Treatment of Boiler Condensate by Ultrafiltration for Reuse. Membranes, 2022, 12 (12), pp.1285. ⟨10.3390/membranes12121285⟩. ⟨hal-03967074⟩
Grégory Cano, Philippe Moulin. Treatment of Boiler Condensate by Ultrafiltration for Reuse. Membranes, 2022, 12 (12), pp.1285. ⟨10.3390/membranes12121285⟩. ⟨hal-04063872⟩ Plus de détails...
The generation of water vapor is crucial for the petrochemical industry. In order to protect the boiler from damage, the re-injected water must not contain any suspended matter, especially hydrocarbons. Moreover, it is condensed steam with a temperature close to 100 °C and the unintentional creation or chronic generation of pollution, respectively, that can more or less produce the concentrated pollution. In this context, membrane processes appear promising in order to achieve this reuse and more especially crossflow ceramic membranes. The novelty of this paper is to study the retention of hydrocarbons and suspended solids contained in the condensate hot water of a high-capacity boiler using ceramic ultrafiltration membranes. In total, two ultrafiltration molecular weight cut-offs were used: 50–150 kDa. Several operating parameters were studied such as effluent type (accidental or chronic pollution), temperature, transmembrane pressure, initial volume, and pilot plant size. In all cases, retention of suspended matter was above 90% and residual hydrocarbon concentrations were under 0.1 ppm even for high-volume concentrations. Control of the transmembrane pressure and the molecular weight cut-off of the membrane are key to optimizing the process. Despite the high-volume concentration obtained, the membranes were perfectly regenerated with conventional cleaning procedures.
Grégory Cano, Philippe Moulin. Treatment of Boiler Condensate by Ultrafiltration for Reuse. Membranes, 2022, 12 (12), pp.1285. ⟨10.3390/membranes12121285⟩. ⟨hal-04063872⟩
Gregory Cano, Adil Mouahid, Emilie Carretier, Pascal Guasp, Didier Moulin, et al.. Computational fluid dynamics simulations of membrane filtration process adapted for water treatment of aerated sewage lagoons. Water Science and Technology, 2015, 71 (2), pp.197 - 202. ⟨10.2166/wst.2014.476⟩. ⟨hal-01916461⟩ Plus de détails...
Gregory Cano, Adil Mouahid, Emilie Carretier, Pascal Guasp, Didier Moulin, et al.. Computational fluid dynamics simulations of membrane filtration process adapted for water treatment of aerated sewage lagoons. Water Science and Technology, 2015, 71 (2), pp.197 - 202. ⟨10.2166/wst.2014.476⟩. ⟨hal-01916461⟩
G. Cano, P. Steinle, Jean-Vincent Daurelle, Yvan Wyart, K. Glucina, et al.. Pressure fields in an industrial UF module: effect of backwash. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2013, 51 (25-27), pp.4907-4913. ⟨10.1080/19443994.2013.795255⟩. ⟨hal-00995664⟩ Plus de détails...
In the last decade, membrane manufacturers have improved their ultrafiltration module to raise the production of drinking water in order to meet an increasing demand. The usual process used is an inside-out filtration in dead-end mode. In this configuration, the energy consumption is limited by outside-in backwashes. Raising the permeability of the membranes lead to an increase in module compactness and strongly modify the driving force in the module. This study presents a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model to predict the pressure and velocity field in the hollow fiber network (HFN) taking into account several parameters as the geometry of the module, the inlet pressure, gravity, and temperature. For the industrial tested module configuration, results shown that hollow fibers work in a homogeneous way in filtration mode but a great heterogeneity appear during the backwash. All the results have been validated compared with experimental values.
G. Cano, P. Steinle, Jean-Vincent Daurelle, Yvan Wyart, K. Glucina, et al.. Pressure fields in an industrial UF module: effect of backwash. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2013, 51 (25-27), pp.4907-4913. ⟨10.1080/19443994.2013.795255⟩. ⟨hal-00995664⟩
Gregory Cano, P. Steinle, Jean-Vincent Daurelle, Yvan Wyart, K. Glucina, et al.. Determination of pressure and velocity fields in ultrafiltration membrane modules used in drinking water production. Journal of Membrane Science, 2013, 431, pp.221-232. ⟨10.1016/j.memsci.2012.11.082⟩. ⟨hal-00996064⟩ Plus de détails...
During the process of drinking water production using a hollow fiber ultrafiltration module, the configuration generally used is an inside-out filtration in dead-end mode. In this configuration the energy consumption is limited by outside-in backwashes. Enlarging the membrane packing density and permeability raises the permeate flow and results in an increase of the module compactness. However, this strongly modifies the hydrodynamics into the module. This study allows us to determine the pressure and velocity fields in the hollow fiber network of the modules. The geometry of the module and the membranes, the membrane permeability and compactness as well as the operating entry values such as filtration or backwash pressures and gravity were taken into account. Therefore, whatever these parameters may be, it is possible to determine the pressure and velocity fields in an ultrafiltration module. It was shown that during an inside-out filtration and for the three industrial tested module configurations the hollow fibers work in a homogeneous way ±0.4%. However, in the case of the backwash, a greater heterogeneity may appear. Finally, the reliability of the model proposed in this paper is confirmed by comparing its numerical results with experimental data.
Gregory Cano, P. Steinle, Jean-Vincent Daurelle, Yvan Wyart, K. Glucina, et al.. Determination of pressure and velocity fields in ultrafiltration membrane modules used in drinking water production. Journal of Membrane Science, 2013, 431, pp.221-232. ⟨10.1016/j.memsci.2012.11.082⟩. ⟨hal-00996064⟩
Gregory Cano, Yvan Wyart, Jean-Vincent Daurelle, K. Glucina, D. Bourdiol, et al.. Determination of pressure and velocity in a dead-end inside-out membrane module used in drinking water production. Procedia Engineering, 2012, 44, pp.229-232. ⟨10.1016/j.proeng.2012.08.369⟩. ⟨hal-00997172⟩ Plus de détails...
Gregory Cano, Yvan Wyart, Jean-Vincent Daurelle, K. Glucina, D. Bourdiol, et al.. Determination of pressure and velocity in a dead-end inside-out membrane module used in drinking water production. Procedia Engineering, 2012, 44, pp.229-232. ⟨10.1016/j.proeng.2012.08.369⟩. ⟨hal-00997172⟩