A general formulation for cavitating, boiling and evaporating flows

A flow model is derived for the numerical simulation of multi-phase flows with phase transition. The model arises from the classical multi-component Euler equations, but is associated to a non-classical thermodynamic closure: each phase is compressible and evolves in its own subvolume, with phases sharing common pressure, velocity and temperature, leading to non-trivial thermodynamic relations for the mixture. Phase transition is made possible through the introduction of Gibbs free energy relaxation terms in the equations. Capillary effects and heat conduction – essential in boiling flows – are introduced as well. The resulting multi-phase flow model is hyperbolic, valid for arbitrary density jumps at interfaces as well as arbitrary flow speeds. Its capabilities are illustrated successively through examples of nozzle induced cavitation, a high-speed evaporating liquid jet, and heated wall induced boiling.

Richard Saurel, Pierre Boivin, Olivier Le Métayer. A general formulation for cavitating, boiling and evaporating flows. Computers and Fluids, 2016, 128, pp.53-64. ⟨10.1016/j.compfluid.2016.01.004⟩. ⟨hal-01277179⟩

Journal: Computers and Fluids

Date de publication: 01-04-2016

  • Richard Saurel
  • Pierre Boivin
  • Olivier Le Métayer

Digital object identifier (doi): http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compfluid.2016.01.004

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